澳大利亚粵商會(Australian Guangdong Chamber of Commerce,簡稱AGCC)成立於2013年,是澳洲最大的以粵籍商人為主的商會之一。其總部位於澳洲雪梨市,旨在促進粵澳商界的經濟、貿易和文化往來。
The Australian Guangdong Chamber of Commerce (AGCC), founded in 2013, is one of the largest chambers of commerce in Australia that focuses on Guangdong businesspeople. The office is based in Sydney, its aim is to promote economic, trade, and cultural exchanges between Guangdong and Australia.
Members of the AGCC come from various industries, including import and export, real estate, construction, finance, education, tourism, and catering. The main mission of the chamber is to provide business opportunities and information to its members by organizing business seminars, networking events, trade negotiations, and other activities, as well as to establish commercial connections among members.
AGCC, authorized by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guangdong Committee (CCPIT Guangdong Committee), serves as the Australian Guangdong Chamber of Commerce and is a vital member organization of the RCEP Guangdong Business Alliance. We actively engage in the RCEP Guangdong Business Alliance, organized by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guangdong Committee (CCPIT Guangdong Committee), to jointly propel the global alliance of Guangdong business, deepen cooperation, and pioneer new frontiers in international trade on a global scale.
In addition, the AGCC actively participates in community service activities and contributes to the Australian community by donating and supporting local charity and education organizations.